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New Cases

  • An estimated 32,270 new cases of myeloma (17,530 males and 14,740 females) are expected to be diagnosed in the US in 2020.


  • An estimated 128,969 people in the US are living with or in remission from myeloma.

With the release of the 1975-2016 Cancer Statistics Review, the calculation of limited-duration prevalence estimates were modified to use data from the SEER 13 areas (not including the Alaska Natives Registry) using cases diagnosed from 1992 through 2015. Prior publications used data from the SEER 9 registries using cases diagnosed from 1975+. SEER 13 provides a larger population base and one which is more representative of the entire US, which allows better projections of US counts. Due to this methodology change, the estimates may differ significantly from those published in previous years.


  • Five-year relative survival has increased from 12 percent from 1960 to 1963 (for whites, the only data available) to 53.7 percent from 2009 to 2015 (for all races and ethnicities).
  • The 3-year survival rate as of January 1, 2015, was 66.3 percent (for all races and ethnicities).
  • The 5-year survival rate is 76.2 percent for people with myeloma who were younger than 45 years at diagnosis.


  • Approximately 12,830 deaths from myeloma are anticipated in 2020 (7,190 males and 5,640 females).
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