We were excited to award the winners of this years ML HOPE Scholarship Awards at the Ada Covered Bridge on Saturday July 18th. Each recipient received a $3000 scholarship. Both Megan and Austin are survivors of leukemia. Congratulations to Megan and Austin….they are both very well deserving of this award.

Megan Heeringa:
Megan is a 2013 graduate of Kenowa Hills High School and is currently attending Calvin College. Megan was a senior in high school when she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Since then she spent over 200 days inpatient at two different hospitals, an equal amount of time receiving outpatient treatments, over a month completely sedated, intubated, on a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit, and have had eighteen rounds of chemotherapy, two bone marrow transplants all while missed half her senior year of high school. Today she still is dealing with complications from graft vs host disease following her transplant and is yet to be a “normal” college student. Megan was contemplating a career in medicine before her illness and now is leaning towards a profession of patient rehabilitation after having to experience the need for many rehabilitation therapies herself. Through this all Megan has remained positive and feels blessed with all the love and support her has received from friends and family and is an ambassador for “Be the Match”, “Make a Wish”, and “Wigs 4 Kidz” programs.
Austin is a 2015 graduate of South Lyon East High School. When Austin was 5 he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and due to him being a slow responder with his treatment had to endure 3.5 years of aggressive chemo and radiation treatment which caused him to have some academic struggles which he has overcome after many years of hard work. While in High School Austin was a student mentor, a member in the National Honors Society, volunteer for “Active Faith” community service program and on the Robotics team. Today, Austin excels in Math and Science and has been accepted into Kettering University this fall where he is excited about pursuing a career in Engineering. Through all this Austin came out from his struggles with more confidence and seizes every moment not letting any opportunity pass him by.
Past Winners